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Ostblog Posts

How a descendant of Moldovan holocaust survivors is dealing with her family’s trauma

Faina is a political activist originally from Moldova, now living in Paris, running an NGO for lesbian refugees called “Lesbians Beyond Borders” (Les Lesbiennes Dépassent Les Frontières). Here she is seen standing in her little apartment in the 20th Arrondissement, next to a painting of Chisinau/Kishinev, the capital of Moldova.…

3 jobs and recurring wars: emigration as the last hope in a country in perpetual hardship

“Living in Kurdistan is difficult; one job is not enough. I have to work several jobs to live”. Dashti is an electrical mechanic working at the University of Dohuk. When he finishes in the evening, he takes up his second profession as an interior designer, and sometimes he takes on…